Borned and raised in Stockholm Sweden. My familys first dog was a black Schnauzer . When i was 17 i bought my first own dog, a Dobermann, this was my breed untill late 80s when i first came in contact with the American Stafordshire Terrier, since then im hooked. I had my first AST in the beginning of 90s and some years later i had my first litter. My kennel prefix is Zican. So far i had good results and bred or owned many of our topwinning dogs here in Sweden. I also bred some litters with Staffordshire Bullterrier and 2010 a junior bitch bred by me became JWW and best bitch. 2005 i became FCI judge specialised on Bull type terriers, today i also judge some more breeds like Russkiy Toy, RR and Pugs. Im a member o the Central board of the Swedish KC . Over the years i have had the honour to judge at many breed specialtys in many countries , for example Spain,France, Hungary and CZ- Republic. I have judged the breed at many International and National shows aswell as Terrier specialtys. European winner, Bundessieger. Im really looking forward to judge at your show and its a great honour for me. I hope for good sportsmanship and alot of excellent American Staffordshire Terriers. All the best. Patrik
My name is Marius Nedelcu and I have been breeding Amstaffs for 22 years. The first time I came across this breed it was at a dog show in 1995. Ever since, I have been breeding only amstaffs! My kennel ‘s name is Ringmaster which was inspired by the name of the champion Diamond’s Ringmaster, Ruffian old dog . I graduated at the Veterinary Medicine, University in Timisoara. I am active in the dog world since 1986. I was the founder of Romanian Bully Type Club in 2000 . I am FCI judge since 2014 ,licensed to judge bully type terrier (Amstaff, Standard BT , Miniature BT and Staffordshire BT). I was invited to judge Specialty shows in Hungary, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic, Austria, Finland,Germany,Serbia,France, USA ! In 2016 I was judge in prestigious Staffordshire Bull terrier Club Show in Nothern New South Wales Championship 10 september in Australia and Moonlight World Champions Challenge in Kentucky USA. My kennel name is Ringmaster and I bred Amstaffs over 22 years. The base of my kennel are dogs imported from USA and Europe. After 20 years of experience we have some very nice results : Champions of Romania, USA, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary and more countries!! Multi Best of Breed ,Multi Best in shows , Europe Puppy Winner , RomaniaTop Dog Of The Year 2012! Our dogs can be found in a lot of Champions pedigree in the world !
Участие в выставочных рингах (1 выставка):
* Беби, щенки, ветераны
- до 31.03.2018г. - 1600 руб.
- до 30.04.2018г. - 1800 руб.
- до 31.05.2018г. - 2000 руб.
- до 07.06.2018г. - 2200 руб.
* Юниоры, промежуточный, открытый, победители, чемпионы, чемпионы НКП (сертификатные классы)
- до 31.03.2018г. - 2000 руб.
- до 30.04.2018г. - 2500 руб.
- до 31.05.2018г. - 2800 руб.
- до 07.06.2018г. - 3000 руб.
* Конкурсы: питомники, производители, пары - 500 руб.
есть предложение сделать конкурс по окрасам чуть расширеней не только тигровый и сплошной, а добавить черный и пятнистый как смотрите на это?
Мне кажется, это будет здорово!
ЦитатаTigrino ()
Машенька, дорогая спасибо за открытие темки
Каждый год, мы ждем ЭТОГО ПРАЗДНИКА ПОРОДЫ с нетерпением! Март уже заканчивается, остается апрель, май и половина июня... Время летит...!!! Скоро увидимся! У собак только один недостаток - они верят людям.